Textile by Zed Lopez

Version 1/220401

"Text utility functions."
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Chapter Examples

Example: * Textile

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Include Textile by Zed Lopez.
Include Unit Tests by Zed Lopez.

Use test automatically.
Use quit after autotesting.

Lab is a room.

To say lbrack: say bracket.
To say rbrack: say close bracket.

expansive is a unit test. "Expanded".

To say xxx: say "123".
To say zzz: say "123".
To say xyz: say "456".
To say emptiness: say "".

xyzzy is always "xyzzy".
banana is always "banana".

For testing expansive:
   for "literal" assert expanded "fubar" exactly matches "fubar";
   for "empty" assert expanded "" is blank;
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert expanded "[xxx]" exactly matches "123";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert expanded "[xxx]" is "123"; [ "is" should work, as there's a literal on one side ]

[ skipped text matches/does not match topic; text includes / does not include topic ]

Exactly-matches is a unit test. "<text> exactly matches <text>".

For testing exactly-matches:
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert "[xxx]" exactly matches "123";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack] and [lbrack]zzz[rbrack]" assert "[xxx]" exactly matches "[zzz]";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" refute "[xxx]" exactly matches "[xyz]";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" refute "[xxx]" exactly matches "1231";
   for "123" assert "123" exactly matches "123";
   for "123" refute "123" exactly matches "0123";
   for "123" refute "123" exactly matches "1234";
   for "empty" assert "" is blank;
   for "empty" refute "" exactly matches " ";
   for "empty" assert "[emptiness]" is blank;

Does-not-exactly-match is a unit test. "<text> does not exactly match <text>".

For testing does-not-exactly-match:
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" refute "[xxx]" does not exactly match "123";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack] and [lbrack]zzz[rbrack]" refute "[xxx]" does not exactly match "[zzz]";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert "[xxx]" does not exactly match "[xyz]";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert "[xxx]" does not exactly match "1231";
   for "123" refute "123" does not exactly match "123";
   for "123" assert "123" does not exactly match "0123";
   for "123" assert "123" does not exactly match "1234";
   for "empty" refute "" does not exactly match "";
   for "empty" assert "" does not exactly match " ";
   for "empty" refute "[emptiness]" does not exactly match "";

Text-includes is a unit test. "<text> includes <text>".

For testing text-includes:
   for "1234" assert "1234" includes "23";
   for "1234" assert "1234" includes "123";
   for "1234" assert "1234" includes "234";
   for "1234" assert "1234" includes "1";
   for "1234" assert "1234" includes "4";
   for "1234" assert "1234" includes "2";
   for "1234" refute "1234" includes "0";
   for "1234" refute "1234" includes "0234";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert "[xxx]" includes "3";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" refute "[xxx]" includes "5";

Text-does-not-include is a unit test. "<text> does not include <text>".

For testing text-does-not-include:
   for "1234" refute "1234" does not include "23";
   for "1234" refute "1234" does not include "123";
   for "1234" refute "1234" does not include "234";
   for "1234" refute "1234" does not include "1";
   for "1234" refute "1234" does not include "4";
   for "1234" refute "1234" does not include "2";
   for "1234" assert "1234" does not include "0";
   for "1234" assert "1234" does not include "0234";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" refute "[xxx]" does not include "3";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert "[xxx]" does not include "5";

Occurrent is a unit test. "Occurrent".

For testing occurrent:
   for "x, banana" assert the occurrences of "x" in "banana" is 0;
   for "a, banana" assert the occurrences of "a" in "banana" is 3;
   for "n, banana" assert the occurrences of "n" in "banana" is 2;

Trimmed is a unit test. "Trimmed."

For testing trimmed:
   for " [lbrack]xxx[rbrack] " assert " [xxx] " trimmed is "[xxx]";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack] " assert "[xxx] " trimmed is "[xxx]";
   for " [lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert " [xxx]" trimmed is "[xxx]";
   for "[lbrack]xxx[rbrack]" assert "[xxx]" trimmed is "[xxx]";
   for " 123 " assert " 123 " trimmed is "123";
   for "123 " assert "123 " trimmed is "123";
   for " 123" assert " 123" trimmed is "123";
   for "123" assert "123" trimmed is "123";

[ put rmatch, if rmatches, does not rmatch, match <n> here]

left-index-regexp is unit test. "left index regexp".

For testing left-index-regexp:
   for "123, 123" assert the left index of regexp "123" in "123" is 1;
   for "ca, abecadarium" assert index of regexp "ca" in "abecadarium" is 4;
   for "an, banana" assert the index of regexp "na" in "banana" is 3;
   for "us, publius" assert the index of regexp "us" in "publius" is 6;
   for "empty in whitespace" assert the index of regexp "" in " " is 0;
   for "xyz, banana" assert the index of regexp "xyz" in "banana" is 0;
   for "xyz, xzy" assert the index of regexp "xyz" in "xzy" is 0;
   for "an, banana" assert the index of regexp ".a" in "banana" is 1;
   for "an, banana" assert the index of regexp ".n" in "banana" is 2;
   for "an, banana" assert the index of regexp ".na$" in "banana" is 4;

Left-index is a unit test. "Left index".

For testing left-index:
   for "123, 123" assert the left index of "123" in "123" is 1;
   for "ca, abecadarium" assert index of "ca" in "abecadarium" is 4;
   for "an, banana" assert the index of "na" in "banana" is 3;
   for "us, publius" assert the index of "us" in "publius" is 6;
   for "empty in whitespace" assert the index of "" in " " is 0;
   for "xyz, banana" assert the index of "xyz" in "banana" is 0;
   for "xyz, xzy" assert the index of "xyz" in "xzy" is 0;

length is a unit test. "Length."

For testing length:
   for "empty" assert length of "" is 0;
   for "X" assert size "X" is 1;
   for "banana" assert count "banana" is 6;

say-chars is a unit test. "Say chars <m> to <n> of <text>".

For testing say-chars:
   for "xyzzy, 1-3" assert "[chars 1 to 3 of xyzzy]" exactly matches "xyz";
   for "banana, 5-6" assert "[chars 5 to 6 of banana]" exactly matches "na";
   for "empty, 0-0 error" assert "[chars 0 to 0 of empty-string]" reports error;
   for "xyzzy, 1-1" assert "[chars 1 to 1 of xyzzy]" exactly matches "x";
   for "xyzzy, 5-5" assert "[chars 5 to 5 of xyzzy]" exactly matches "y";
   for "banana, -3 to -1 error" assert "[chars -3 to -1 of banana]" reports error;

substr is a unit test. "Substr".

For testing substr:
   for "xyzzy, 1-3" assert substr of xyzzy from 1 to 3 exactly matches "xyz";
   for "banana, 5-6" assert substr of banana from 5 to 6 exactly matches "na";
   for "empty, 0-0" assert substr of empty-string from 0 to 0 is empty;
   for "empty, 0-0 error" assert "[substr of empty-string from 0 to 0]" reports error;
   for "empty, 1-2" assert substr of empty-string from 1 to 2 is empty;
   for "empty, 1-2 error" assert "[substr of empty-string from 1 to 2]" reports error;
   for "xyzzy, 1-1" assert substr of xyzzy from 1 to 1 exactly matches "x";
   for "xyzzy, 5-5" assert substr of xyzzy from 5 to 5 exactly matches "y";
   for "banana, -3 to -1" assert substr of banana from -3 to -1 is empty;
   for "banana, -3 to -1 error" assert "[substr of banana from -3 to -1]" reports error;
   for "banana, 0 to 0" assert substr of banana from 0 to 0 is empty;
   for "banana, 0 to 0" assert "[substr of banana from 0 to 0]" reports error;

first-chars is a unit test. "First n characters".

For testing first-chars:
   for "xyzzy, 0" assert first 0 chars of xyzzy is empty;
   for "xyzzy, 1" assert first 1 char of xyzzy exactly matches "x";
   for "xyzzy, 6" assert first 6 chars of xyzzy is empty;
   for "xyzzy, 6 error" assert "[first 6 chars of xyzzy]" reports error;

last-chars is a unit test. "Last n characters".

For testing last-chars:
   for "xyzzy, 0" assert last 0 chars of xyzzy is empty;
   for "xyzzy, 1" assert last 1 char of xyzzy exactly matches "y";
   for "xyzzy, 6" assert last 6 chars of xyzzy is empty;
   for "xyzzy, 6 error" assert "[last 6 chars of xyzzy]" reports error;

say-replaced is a unit test. "<t> with chars <m> to <n> replaced with <r>".

For testing say-replaced:
   for "banana with chars 1 to 2 replaced with xyzzy" assert "[banana with chars 1 to 2 replaced with xyzzy]" exactly matches "xyzzynana";
   for "banana with chars 2 to 3 replaced with xyzzy" assert "[banana with chars 2 to 3 replaced with xyzzy]" exactly matches "bxyzzyana";

say-cut is a unit test. "<t> with chars <m> to <n> cut".

For testing say-cut:
   for "banana with chars 2 to 3 cut" assert "[banana with chars 2 to 3 cut]" exactly matches "bana".

first-replaced-with is a unit test. "<t> with first <u> replaced with <v>".

For testing first-replaced-with:
   for "banana with first 'n' replaced with 'x'" assert banana with first "n" replaced with "x" exactly matches "baxana";

split is a unit test. "<text> split on/by/with <text>".

For testing split:
   for "abc / d" assert "abc" split on "d" is { "abc" };
   for "abc / b" assert "abc" split on "b" is { "a", "c" };
Version 1/220401 of Textile by Zed Lopez begins here.

"Text utility functions."

The empty-string is always "".

To decide what text is an/-- expanded (T - a text):
     (- TEXT_TY_SubstitutedForm({-new:text}, {-by-reference:T}) -).

To decide if (T - text) exactly matches (S - text): (- TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(CHR_BLOB,{-by-reference:T},{-by-reference:S},0,{phrase options},1) -).

To decide if (T - text) does not exactly match (S - text): (- (~~TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(CHR_BLOB,{-by-reference:T},{-by-reference:S},0,{phrase options},1)) -).

To decide if (T - text) includes (S - text): (- TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(CHR_BLOB,{-by-reference:T},{-by-reference:S},0,{phrase options}) -).

To decide if (T - text) does not include (S - text): (- (~~TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(CHR_BLOB,{-by-reference:T},{-by-reference:S},0,{phrase options})) -).

To decide what number is the occurrences of (substr - a text) in (T - a text):
(- TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(CHR_BLOB,{-by-reference:T},{-by-reference:substr},1) -).

To decide what number is the occurrences of regexp (regexp - a text) in (T - a text):
(- TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(REGEXP_BLOB,{-by-reference:T},{-by-reference:regexp},1) -).

To decide what text is (T - a text) trimmed:
   if T rmatches "^\s*(.*?)\s*$", now T is match 1;
   decide on T.

To puts (sv - a sayable value): say "[sv][line break]".
To puts (T - a text): say T; say line break.

To decide if (T - a text) is blank: decide on whether or not T is "".
To decide if (T - a text) is not blank: if T is "", no; yes.

To rmatch (V - a text) by (R - a text), case insensitively:
   (- TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(REGEXP_BLOB,{-by-reference:V},{-by-reference:R},0,{phrase options}); -).

To decide if (V - a text) rmatches (R - a text), case insensitively:
   (- TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(REGEXP_BLOB,{-by-reference:V},{-by-reference:R},0,{phrase
   options}) -).

[ unfortunate ambiguity if we add case insensitively here ]
To decide if (V - a text) does not rmatch (R - a text), case insensitively:
   (- (~~(TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(REGEXP_BLOB,{-by-reference:V},{-by-reference:R},0,{phrase options}))) -).

[ use immediately after a regular expression match ]
To decide what text is the/a/-- match (N - a number):
     (- TEXT_TY_RE_GetMatchVar({N}) -).

Include (-
[ dumpSubexps i;
for (i=0:(i<RE_Subexpressions-->10) && (i<10): i++) {
print i, " ", RE_Subexpressions-->i-->RE_DATA1, " ", RE_Subexpressions-->i-->RE_DATA2, "^";

To dump subexps: (- dumpSubexps(); -).

Include (-
[ regexpLindex R T;
return RE_Subexpressions-->0-->RE_DATA1 + 1;

To decide what number is the left/-- index of/-- a/an/-- regexp (R - a text) in (T - a text): (- regexpLindex({R},{T}) -).

To decide what number is the index of match (n - a number): (- (RE_Subexpressions-->{n}-->RE_DATA1) -).

To decide what number is the ending index of match (n - a number): (- (RE_Subexpressions-->{n}-->RE_DATA2) -).

To decide what number is the length of match (n - a number): (- (1 + RE_Subexpressions-->{n}-->RE_DATA2 - RE_Subexpressions-->{n}-->RE_DATA1) -)

Include (-
Global match0_idx;
Global match0_len;
-) after "Definitions.i6t".

match0-index is a number variable.
The match0-index variable translates into I6 as "match0_idx".
match0-length is a number variable.
The match0-length variable translates into I6 as "match0_len".

[ big replacement for tiny change to track the plain text match index ]
Include (-
[ TEXT_TY_Replace_RE ftxtype txt ftxt rtxt insens exactly
   r p p1 p2 cp cp1 cp2;
   !print "Find: "; BlkValueDebug(ftxt); print "^";
   !print "Rep: "; BlkValueDebug(rtxt); print "^";
   !print "In: "; BlkValueDebug(txt); print "^";
   if (rtxt == 0 or 1) { cp = txt-->0; p = TEXT_TY_Temporarily_Transmute(txt); }
   else TEXT_TY_Transmute(txt);
   cp1 = ftxt-->0; p1 = TEXT_TY_Temporarily_Transmute(ftxt);
   cp2 = rtxt-->0; p2 = TEXT_TY_Temporarily_Transmute(rtxt);
   r = TEXT_TY_Replace_REI(ftxtype, txt, ftxt, rtxt, insens, exactly);
   TEXT_TY_Untransmute(ftxt, p1, cp1);
   TEXT_TY_Untransmute(rtxt, p2, cp2);
   if (rtxt == 0 or 1) TEXT_TY_Untransmute(txt, p, cp);
   return r;

[ TEXT_TY_Replace_REI ftxtype txt ftxt rtxt insens exactly
   ctxt csize ilen i cl mpos cpos ch chm;

   ilen = TEXT_TY_CharacterLength(txt);

   TEXT_TY_RE_Err = 0;

     if (ftxtype == CHR_BLOB) {
       match0_idx = 0;
       match0_len = 0;
   switch (ftxtype) {
     REGEXP_BLOB: i = TEXT_TY_RE_CompileTree(ftxt, exactly);
     CHR_BLOB: i = TEXT_TY_CHR_CompileTree(ftxt, exactly);
     default: "*** bad ftxtype ***";
   if ((i<0) || (i>RE_MAX_PACKETS)) {
     TEXT_TY_RE_Err = i;
     print "*** Regular expression error: ", (string) TEXT_TY_RE_Err, " ***^";
     return 0;

   if (TEXT_TY_RE_Trace) {
     print "(compiled to ", i, " packets)^";
   if (ftxtype == REGEXP_BLOB) TEXT_TY_RE_EmptyMatchVars();
   mpos = 0; chm = 0; cpos = 0;
   while (TEXT_TY_RE_Parse(ftxt, txt, mpos, insens) >= 0) {
     if (TEXT_TY_RE_Trace) {
       print "^*** Match ", chm, " found (", RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA1, ",",
         RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA2, "): ";
       if (RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA1 == RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA2) {
         print "<empty>";
       for (i=RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA1:i<RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA2:i++) {
         print (char) BlkValueRead(txt, i);
       print " ***^";
         match0_idx = RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA1 + 1;
         match0_len = RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA2 - RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA1;
     if (rtxt == 0) break; ! Accept only one match, replace nothing
     if (rtxt ~= 0 or 1) {
       if (chm == 1) {
         ctxt = BlkValueCreate(TEXT_TY);
         csize = BlkValueLBCapacity(ctxt);

       for (i=cpos:i<RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA1:i++) {
         ch = BlkValueRead(txt, i);
         if (cl+1 >= csize) {
           if (BlkValueSetLBCapacity(ctxt, 2*cl) == false) break;
           csize = BlkValueLBCapacity(ctxt);
         BlkValueWrite(ctxt, cl++, ch);
       BlkValueWrite(ctxt, cl, 0);
       TEXT_TY_Concatenate(ctxt, rtxt, ftxtype, txt);
       csize = BlkValueLBCapacity(ctxt);
       cl = TEXT_TY_CharacterLength(ctxt);

     mpos = RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA2; cpos = mpos;
     if (RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA1 == RE_PACKET_space-->RE_DATA2)

     if (TEXT_TY_RE_Trace) {
       if (chm == 100) { ! Purely to keep the output from being excessive
         print "(Stopping after 100 matches.)^"; break;
   if (chm > 0) {
     if (rtxt ~= 0 or 1) {
       for (i=cpos:i<ilen:i++) {
         ch = BlkValueRead(txt, i);
         if (cl+1 >= csize) {
           if (BlkValueSetLBCapacity(ctxt, 2*cl) == false) break;
           csize = BlkValueLBCapacity(ctxt);
         BlkValueWrite(ctxt, cl++, ch);
     if (ftxtype == REGEXP_BLOB) {
       if (TEXT_TY_RE_Trace)

     if (rtxt ~= 0 or 1) {
       BlkValueWrite(ctxt, cl, 0);
       BlkValueCopy(txt, ctxt);
   return chm;

-) instead of "Search And Replace" in "RegExp.i6t".

Include (-
[ textLindex R T;
if (TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(CHR_BLOB,T,R)) return match0_idx;
return 0;

To decide what number is the left/-- index of/-- a/an/-- (F - a text) in (T - a text):
if T is blank or F is blank begin;
   now match0-index is 0;
   now match0-length is 0;
   decide on 0;
end if;
decide on text-lindex of F in T.

To decide what number is text-lindex of (F - a text) in (T - a text): (- textLindex({F},{T}) -).

To decide what number is a/-- length/size/count of/-- a/an/-- (T - a text):
   decide on the number of characters in T.

To say char/chars/character/characters (start - a number) to (end - a number) in/of (T - a text):
     let len be length of T;
     if start < 1 or end > len begin;
       say "[line break]*** characters [start] to [len] out of range for text |[T]| of length [len].";
       repeat with i running from start to end begin;
         say character number i in T;
       end repeat;
      end if;

To decide what text is the/a/-- substr of (T - a text) from (start - a number) to (end - a number) (this is substr6):
   let len be length of T;
   if start < 1 or end > len begin;
     say "[line break]*** characters [start] to [len] out of range for text |[T]| of length [len].";
     decide on "";
   end if;
   decide on expanded "[chars start to end of T]";
To decide what text is the first (n - a number) char/chars/character/characters of (T - a text):
   decide on substr of T from 1 to n;

To decide what text is the first char/character of (T - a text):
   decide on character number 1 in T;

To decide what text is the last char/character of (T - a text):
   decide on character number (number of characters in T) in T;

To decide what text is the last (n - a number) char/chars/character/characters of (T - a text):
   let len be length of T;
   let start be 1 + len - n;
   decide on substr of T from start to len;

To decide what text is the substr in/of (T - a text) from (start - a number) for (substrlen - a number) char/chars/character/characters:
   decide on the substr of T from start to (start + substrlen - 1);

To decide what text is char/character (n - a number) in/of (T - a text):
   decide on character number n in T;

To set regexp tracing: (- TEXT_TY_RE_SetTrace(1); -).

To decide what text is (T - a text) with char/chars/character/characters/-- (m - a number) to (n - a number) replaced with/-- (R - a text):
   let U be T;
   replace chars m to n in U with R;
   decide on U;

To replace char/chars/character/characters/-- (m - a number) to (n - a number) in (T - a text) with (R - a text):
   (- TEXT_TY_ReplaceChars({-by-reference:T},{m},{n},{-by-reference:R}); -)

To decide what text is (T - a text) with char/chars/character/characters/-- (m - a number) to (n - a number) cut:
   decide on expanded "[T with m to n replaced with empty-string]";
To decide what text is (T - a text) with char/chars/character/characters/-- (m - a number) to (n - a number) cut:
   decide on expanded "[T with m to n replaced with empty-string]";

To decide what text is (T - a text) with first (U - a text) replaced with (V - a text):
   if T is blank or U is blank, decide on T;
   let idx be index of U in T;
   if idx is 0, decide on T;
   decide on expanded "[T with chars idx to idx + (length U - 1) replaced with V]";

To decide what text is (T - a text) with first regexp (R - a text) replaced with (V - a text) (this is regexp-replace):
   if T is blank or R is blank, decide on T;
   if T rmatches R, decide on T with chars (index of match 0) to (ending index of match 0) replaced with V;
   decide on T;

Part join by text

To say raw (L - a list of sayable values) joined by/with a/an/-- (T - a text):
   if L is not empty begin;
   repeat for v in L with index i begin;
     say v;
     if i is not the size of L, say T;
   end repeat;
end if;

To decide what text is (L - a list of sayable values) joined by/with a/an/-- (T - a text):
   decide on "[raw L joined by T]";

Include (-

[ TEXT_TY_ReplaceChars txt idx_from idx_to rtxt rtxtlen cp p ctxt ilen rlen i j k endlen;
   cp = rtxt-->0; p = TEXT_TY_Temporarily_Transmute(rtxt);
   ilen = TEXT_TY_CharacterLength(txt);
   rtxtlen = TEXT_TY_CharacterLength(rtxt);
     rlen = 1 + idx_to - idx_from; ! length of text being replaced
   endlen = ilen + rtxtlen - rlen;
   ctxt = BlkValueCreate(TEXT_TY);
   if (BlkValueSetLBCapacity(ctxt, 1+endlen)) {
     for (i=0:i<idx_from-1:i++) {
       BlkValueWrite(ctxt, i, BlkValueRead(txt, i));
     for (i=0:i<rtxtlen:i++) {
       BlkValueWrite(ctxt, idx_from+i-1, BlkValueRead(rtxt, i));
     for (i=0:i<ilen-idx_to:i++) {
       BlkValueWrite(ctxt, idx_from+rtxtlen+i-1, BlkValueRead(txt, idx_to+i));
     BlkValueWrite(ctxt, endlen, 0);
     BlkValueCopy(txt, ctxt);
   TEXT_TY_Untransmute(rtxt, p, cp);

[ replaceFirstRegexp txt R rtxt idx endidx len result;
   if (TEXT_TY_Empty(txt) || TEXT_TY_Empty(R)) return;
   if (TEXT_TY_Replace_RE(REGEXP_BLOB,txt,R,0)) {
     idx = RE_Subexpressions-->0-->RE_DATA1 + 1;
     endidx = RE_Subexpressions-->0-->RE_DATA2;
     len = 1 + RE_Subexpressions-->0-->RE_DATA2 - idx;
     TEXT_TY_ReplaceChars(txt, idx, len, rtxt);

[ textConcat t u result;
return TEXT_TY_Concatenate(result, u);

To decide what text is (T - a text) with (U - a text) inserted at char/character/-- (n - a number):
   now U is "[U][char n in T]";
   replace character number n in T with U;
   decide on T;

To decide what text is (T - a text) plus/concat/+ (U - a text):
   (- textConcat({T},{U},{-new:text}) -).

To decide what text is (T - a text) with (U - a text) inserted at char/character/-- (n - a number):
   replace character number n in T with U + character number n in T;
   decide on T;

To decide what list of texts is (T - a text) split on/by/with/-- (sep - a text):
   let L be a list of texts;
   let idx be the index of sep in T;
   let slen be length sep;
   while idx is not 0 begin;
     add first idx - 1 chars of T to L;
     now T is T with chars 1 to (idx + slen - 1) cut;
     now idx is the index of sep in T;
   end while;
   add T to L;
   decide on L;

Include (-
! Print N Times without transmuting/untransmuting N times...
[ PrintNTimes s n
     i raw len x cp1 p1 j;
   cp1 = s-->0;
   p1 = TEXT_TY_Temporarily_Transmute(s);
   raw = BlkValueLBCapacity(s);
   for ( len = 0 : len < raw : len++ ) if (~~BlkValueRead(s, len)) break;
   for ( i = 0 : i < n : i++ ) {
     for (j = 0 : j < len : j++ ) {
       x = BlkValueRead(s,j);
       @streamunichar x;
   TEXT_TY_Untransmute(s, p1, cp1);

To say (N - a number) copies of/-- (T - a text):
(- PrintNTimes({T},{N}); -).

To say (u - a unicode character) * (n - a number): (- {-my:2} = {u}; for ({-my:1} = 0 : {-my:1} < {N} : {-my:1}++ ) @streamunichar {-my:2}; -).

Textile ends here.